Diary of ​KENNETH MACRAE DIARY [1912-1963] by Iain H. Murray, Киев

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Kenneth MacRae, a minister in the Scottish Hebrides, kept a diary which was a regular part of his life from 1912 to 1963. 'He will be remembered ...
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  • м.Почайна, ул. Вербовая,17, Книжный рынок, ряд 84 место 26с, Киев
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An impressive diary of permanent interest is a rarity in Christian literature and when such a diary does appear it is generally unanticipated. In 1911 Kenneth Mac Rae left his career as a teacher of telegraphy together with his other great interests the army, climbing and literature to enter the Christian ministry. Thereafter, in the Free Church of Scotland congregations at Lochgilphead (1915-19), Kilmuir (1919-31) and Stornoway (1931-64) he lived to preach. Serving one of the largest Presbyterian congregations in the world for his longest pastora, it was no wonder that his litera had only fragmentary expressi Yet from 1912 to 1963, and with the least thought of its publicatio he wrote this diary. Only after death did anyone become aware of its value to the church at large.

With wide interests, and sympathy to enter into both the sunshine and sorrows of his people's lives, MacRae's diary captures not a little of the once-dominant culture of the Highlands and the Hebrides. Almost irresistibly, the reader is caught up with his feelings for the land which was as dear to him as life. But for the same reasons as M'Cheyne's and Bonar's diaries of the last century captured such a wide readership, this volume will also have an appeal far beyond Scotland.

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