MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers by Joseph Gibaldi, Киев
Бренд: Modern Language Assn of Amer Страна производитель: USA
- м.Почайна, ул. Вербовая,17, Книжный рынок, ряд 84 место 26с, Киев
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- 11 лет 39 дней на портале
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The handbook takes readers through the research paper process step by step, and includes information on narrowing the topic, outlining, note taking, etc. Before dealing with such mechanics of writing as spelling, punctuation, and format, the manual covers the use of catalogs (online and paper), indexes, and databases in the library and offers a list of some standard print and electronic reference works. The sections on documentation in text and citations seem to include every type of source and possible variable. The work concludes with abbreviations for terms used in research, reference sources by subject, and some examples of other styles of documentation. Examples within each section are printed in a font different from the explanatory text, a featurethat allows the user to easily find the appropriate format. Chapters are divided by subtopics with numeric denotation; an index makes topics easy to find.Provides guidelines and examples for handling research, outlining, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and documentation
Справочники в Киевской области, Справочники в Белой Церкви, Справочники в Броварах, Художественная литература в Киевской области, Учебники и литература для образовательных учреждений в Киевской области, Книги, общее в Белой Церкви, Энциклопедии в Белой Церкви, Бизнес литература в Броварах, Медицинские учебно-методические пособия в Броварах