Using Sociology: An Introduction from the Applied and Clinical Perspectives by Roger A. Straus, Киев

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A humanist alternative to massive, encyclopedia-like texts, Using Sociology provides a passionate and focused introduction to sociology and sociologic
Бренд: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Страна производитель: USA
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  • м.Почайна, ул. Вербовая,17, Книжный рынок, ряд 84 место 26с, Киев
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  • 11 лет 131 день на портале
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A humanist alternative to massive, encyclopedia-like texts, Using Sociology provides a passionate and focused introduction to sociology and sociological practice. It tells not only how sociologists make practical sense out of social life, but also how they use their knowledge and perspectives to create positive change. The authors work in a variety of academic, nonprofit, and business settings and include several past-chairpersons and presidents of the ASA Section on Sociological Practice and the Sociological Practice Association. The Third Edition has been updated and reorganized to even better meet the needs of students and instructors. Three sections introduce sociology and its tools, uses of sociology and using sociology in your own life. The theory and history chapters have been dramatically revised, with more practical examples to help students relate the concepts with the world of everyday life. The methodology chapter now covers more of the basic statistical concepts and also expands coverage of applied methods, marketing research, and other real-world uses of qualitative and quantitative methods. An exciting new chapter on crime and deviance is designed to make it easier for students to relate theory to practical issues and applications. The chapter on applying clinical sociological concepts to improving one's own life and relationships has been greatly expanded, as well.

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