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Children of Destiny by Elizabeth Chadwick
In 13th-century France, Bridget has grown up mastering the mystical gifts of her ancestor, Mary Magdalene. But the all-powerful Catholic Church has ..
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Idas Idee von Ulrike Kolb
​Ein Großstadt- und Schelmenroman über eine Frau, die leidenschaftlich und exzessiv iẞt, über ihre Liebhaber und ihre Karriere.
45 грн./шт.
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Venus in Copper by Lindsey Davis
(Marcus Didius Falco, #3)
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Death Message by Kate London
(Collins and Griffiths, #2)
100 грн./шт.
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Dance Class by Paul Bottomer
This comprehensive all-colour guide for dancers of all levels and styles includes all the club and ballroom dances, and all the moves, ...
450 грн./шт.
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От сказки к сказке. Английский язык для малышей и родителей Рона Роуз.
Книга предназначена для формирования и развития навыков чтения на английском и русском языках детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.
265 грн./шт.
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Compact Oxford English Dictionary by Catherine Soanes
This new edition has been completely revised to make it the perfect choice for general family reference as well as for use in the office or secondary
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Prizes by Erich Segal
From the author of the 20-million-copy bestseller Love Story comes a moving new novel that brings to vivid life three very different and ...
70 грн./шт.
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The Power by James Mills
American scientist Jack Hammond finds himself involved in a game of cat-and-mouse with a duplicitous and beautiful Soviet agent when he begins ...
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Hviezdny jazdec - Ernest Haycox
Klasický vestern plný napětí a vzrušení,příběh samotáře,který se na vlastní pěst dá do boje s nejobávanějším člověkem v kraji.Přitom vyhrává nejen ...
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Divoženka - Elizabeth Fenwick
Román americké autorky rozvíjí dramatický příběh, v němž třiaosmdesátiletý slepec se stává přítelem osiřelé holčičky-divoženky a zachraňuje ...
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Krvavá žatva. Kto pochoval Cézara - Samuel Dashiell Hammett & Rex Stout
Dva americké detektivní romány. Doslov dr. Josef Škvorecký.
90 грн./шт.
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Three Plays Tapa by Tina HOWE
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Die Peinigung der Lederbeutelchen und andere Erzählungen von Heimito von Doderer
​Sechs charakteristische Texte des großen österreichischen Erzählers.
65 грн./шт.
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London Match by Len Deighton
(Bernard Samson, #3)
100 грн./шт.
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To Catch a Spy by Eric Ambler (ed.)
To Catch a Spy: An Anthology of Favourite Spy Stories
70 грн./шт.
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Английский язык. Задания по грамматике. Керножицкая, Ольга
Временные и неличные формы глагола в схемах, таблицах и упражнениях
150 грн./шт.
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Английский язык. Учебник для 6 класса + Reader Афанасьева О., Михеева
Учебник написан на основе принципов коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения иностранным языкам.Задания раздела дают учителю возможность ...
350 грн./шт.
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Longman Basic Dictionary of American English
The clear, simple definitions are written using the 2,000-word Longman Defining Vocabulary, which means that students can be sure to understand ...
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Self Assessment review of Basic subjects Anatomy and Forensic Medicine Vol 2 5th ed.
This book is complete guide for preparation of most entrance exams including Neet, Aiims, PGI. Includes questions of recent NEET pattern and ...
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Under The Freeze by George Bartram
Former CIA agent Tarp is called in by the KGB to investigate the disappearance of a vast supply of plutonium from the USSR and finds himself ...
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The Tick Tock Man by Terence Strong
The tick-tock man's job is the most dangerous in Great Britain: defusing terrorist bombs. It's a task that demands quiet courage and ...
85 грн./шт.
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Afrikalı Leo - Amin Maalouf
Gerçek bir yaşam öyküsünden çıkarılmış düşsel bir yaşamöyküsü: "Bir berberin sünnet ettiği, bir Papanın vaftiz ettiği" Hasan İbn el-Vezzan ez-Zeyyati
80 грн./шт.
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Act of God by Susan R. Sloan
More than 200 people--including children--are killed when an extremist bombs a Seattle family clinic. A naval officer is arrested and ...
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