Книги по кулинарии: Предложения компании BOOK SHOP, Киев

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  • (096) 575-68-13
  • м.Почайна, ул. Вербовая,17, Книжный рынок, ряд 84 место 26с, Киев
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₴65.00 ₴500.00 9 UAH
Cooking for a Healthy Heart by Octopus Publishing Group
The right diet can minimize the risk of coronary heart disease - the world's leading cause of death. This recipe book provides a greater ...
150 грн./шт.
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50 Ways with Fish by Katharine Blakemore
A collection for healthier lifestyles places emphasis on light cooking that does not compromise flavorful eating and presents a new approach...
100 грн./шт.
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The New York Times Natural Foods Cookbook by Jean Hewitt
Recipes for preparing fresh, natural and unrefined foods. Meat dishes place emphasis on economy cuts. Includes recipes for good-tasting snacks and ...
90 грн./шт.
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Reader's Digest. Eat Better, Live Better: The Family Guide to Healthy Eating
A collection of over 300 healthy recipes, each one giving a calorie count and basic nutritional information. In addition, there is information...
360 грн./шт.
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Pignolo - Cultivating the Invisible, by Ben Little
Ben Little believes that Pignolo, a rare native grape variety found in Friuli Venezia Giulia, has done exactly that throughout history. ...
150 грн./шт.
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Chocolate Cakes: 50 Great Cakes for Every Occasion by Elinor Klivans
There are enough people out there obsessed with chocolate cake to warrant an official holiday, National Chocolate Cake Day, January 27th. ...
150 грн./шт.
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Pizzas - Atelier cuisine pour les enfants de Cris Dupouy
Qu'elles soient salées ou sucrées, voici 15 pizzas à réaliser en famille. Des recettes simples dans lesquelles les enfants retrouveront tous leurs ...
70 грн./шт.
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Verrines de mes copines de Johanna Lucchini
Aussi belle que bonne, la verrine s'est adaptée à notre façon de manger et est peu à peu devenue l'incontournable de nos menus. Elle a bouleversé ...
65 грн./шт.
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Everyday Super Food by Jamie Oliver
Jamie's Everyday Super Food makes eating well delicious, easy and fun
500 грн./шт.
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